Home About


Meet Matt, a father, husband, brother, software developer, engineer, and engineering manager turned hands-on designer and fabricator, and pizza cook. I run this site to help people, to encourage collaboration, and to generate a little retirement income.

See also: DIY RF Forum, Maker Matt Design YouTube

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Credits and Kudos

AppleI like their Mac products. They help me focus on getting things done, don’t ask me how they work.
ChirpyA clean and functional Jekyll template. This page is in Jekyll with the Chirpy theme.
CloudflareAn amazing company that makes the web fast and secure. Ask me about “tunnels” sometime.
DiscourseThese folks make incredible community forum software, and it is Open Source too.
JekyllA nice website generator, easy to use, great tech under the hood, focus on writing.
UbuntuSorry, I’m biased, but Ubuntu makes the Earth go around, oh-yea, Mars too.